CPU and BDC for Commercial Production of Philippine Native Chicken


The Buenavista Development Cooperative in Guimaras and the Central Philippine University work together for the commercial production of Philippine native chicken. CPU is the source of packages of technology adopted by BDC. This undertaking is funded by the Department of Agriculture's Philippine Rural Development Program and aims to boost the production of local chicken. The activities covered the design of housing and technology, from the production of day-old chicks to the growing of native chickens for the market. The planning started as early as 2018, but the implementation was delayed due to the pandemic from 2020 to 2021. The experiential learning at the CPU Philippine Native Chicken production site began on January 26–29, 2023, and the delivery of the initial stock of more than 200 hens followed right after the hands-on training of the personnel. The next delivery will be this February, and the succeeding months will continue until the 1,000 hens are completed. 


The training was attended by four production personnel from BDC and two agricultural extension workers from the Guimaras Provincial Agriculture Office. The trainees underwent technical lectures and were mainly exposed to the actual operation of the project. These activities equip each participant with enough background on the actual production scheme. The next hands-on training will be done on-site to help implementers understand the operation better and solve problems as they arise. The presence of AEW serves as a technical backstop when the production staff needs immediate attention from the provincial level. Furthermore, these AEWs could extend the package of technologies to other interested raisers in Guimaras. 




The Central Philippine University Research Station for Commercial Production of Philippine Native Chicken is opening our station to both governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations that might be interested in availing of our services. We are located on the campus of CPU here in Jaro, Iloilo City. You can reach us at 033-3307244, 0910803148, or 09774713432.