Introducing the CPU Research Center for Philippine Native Chicken Growing Protocols - the ultimate guide for raising native, heritage, and gamefowl chickens. With plant extracts, this quick production guide offers innovative techniques to enhance the growth and health of your chickens.


Our proven practices have been shown to significantly increase the survival rate of chicks from hatching to marketable age. You can naturally boost chickens' immune systems by incorporating plant extracts without adversely affecting their internal systems.


Not only does this method provide a healthier and more sustainable approach to raising chickens, but it also reduces production costs. And for those reared for slaughter, the meat is of exceptional quality—tender, juicy, and flavorful.


But the benefits continue beyond that. The functional values and healing properties are further enhanced by integrating plant extracts into the drinking water and feeds of the chickens. This results in a more uniform and standardized growth of chickens, making it easier to manage and maintain.


Experience the difference with our Growing Protocols and see how this natural approach to raising chickens can benefit you and your flock. Study our guide today and start reaping the rewards of healthier, happier, and more productive native chickens.

Brooder age is the most delicate age for your native chicken.


The brooder age lasts for the first 30 days of rearing. Vaccinating the chicks right after harvesting them from the hatcher is recommended. You can use NCD B1B1, either intranasal or intra-ocular. The recommended dose is one drop per chick.


Better use the CPU Lemongrass Emulsified Concentrates at the rate of three drops per kilo of CPU Chick Booster Feed during the daytime and the CPU Garlic Emulsified Concentrate at night for the first week of age. It enhances the feed's palatability and improves the fowl's immune system. The use of these phytomedicines minimizes the proliferation of pathogens. Moreover, use the CPU Garlic EC only during the cooler part of the day. It is the partner of the CPU Fireless Brooding Technique.


On the second week of age, use the CPU Brooding Water Soluble Powder at the rate of one sachet for every four liters of fresh drinking water every other day. It helps to prevent the occurrence of infectious bronchitis and other pathogens during brooding. CPU Lemongrass EC on the feeds can also be used every other day. Same with the CPU Garlic EC, or better use it alternately. It can be done for MWF for the CPU Lemongrass EC and TThS for the CPU Garlic EC. The CPU Garlic Tea can be added to the list in the third to fourth weeks of age. It can be used alternately with the CPU Brooding Water Soluble Powder. There is no need to deworm the chicks when using the CPU Garlic Tea.


Before pouring the fresh rice hulls into the brooder pens as litter materials, have them winnowed to remove the dust. The recommended thickness is about three to five inches deep. Replace the rice hull every two weeks. Spray the pen with bleach (original formulation) at five to ten tablespoons for every 16 liters of water. It is to eliminate the small crawling insects, and the other effect is disinfection.

It is in the Starter Age when the incorporation of finely chopped green feed is encouraged


The use of phytomedicines at this age can be done alternately or when found necessary. The CPU Lemongrass and CPU Garlic Emulsified Concentrates can be offered every other day. The use of CPU Garlic Tea in drinking water is highly encouraged. The other phytomedicine that will be introduced is the CPU Vitahot Water Soluble Powder. It is enriched with garlic, calamari, and chili, which is a complete pack of vitamins, dewormers, and phytobiotics. This phytomedicine requires one sachet for every four liters of drinking water. It can be used alternately with CPU Garlic Tea. The use of emulsified concentrates in feeds is highly encouraged to prevent the proliferation of pathogens via the feeds. 


The chicks should be transferred to the grower pens when they reach five to six weeks of age. The rice hulls used as litter materials should be changed every three weeks. The depth can be eight to ten inches deep. It should be sprayed with bleach (in its original form) and the brooder pen to eliminate small crawling insects. The chicks will remain in the grower pen until they reach a marketable weight. 


When the chicks are transferred to the grower pen, it is also the right time to incorporate the finely chopped green feeds in the CPU Chick Starter Feed. The inclusion level ranges from 10 to 15% of the total rations. If the inclusion will be done daily, a lower rate is recommended. However, a higher rate is suggested if it is done every other day.


The cases of infection are lower at this age. It is recommended to monitor the consumption of feeds. The higher growth rate, which needs more feed, is expected to start at this age. The provision of lighting at night should always be considered. The stocking rate at the grower pen should be within 15 to 20 chicks for faster growth and less infections.

The grower age is the last stage of growing the native chicken for market


The grower's age usually lasts for 21 days before they are marketed. The ideal liveweight is 850 to 900 grams. On this weight, the free amino acids associated with distinctive taste are higher in concentration. The perfect feed for this age stage is the CPU Chick Grower Feed. It is enriched with natural ingredients that enhance the taste of the meat. 


However, CPU Garlic Emulsified Concentrate and CPU Lemongrass Emulsified Concentrate are strongly encouraged to further improve the meat's taste. Our study and experience with our raisers showed that dressed native chickens with such phytomedicines almost had uniform growth and excellent meat quality. Thus, use these products at two to three drops per kilo of CPU Chick Grower Feeds.


Adding finely chopped green feeds at a ratio of 10% proved to be highly beneficial for enhancing meat quality. Besides, it also resulted in a reduction in the cost of feed. These green feeds include kangkong, madre de agua, carabao grass, and other succulent plants. The feeding of these green feeds can be done either in the morning or afternoon.


In the context of selling chickens, marketing all the fowl of the same age is highly recommended. This is because studies have shown that retaining these chickens and feeding them until they attain marketable weight may entail more significant costs than the increase in live weight. The cost of feeding and maintaining these chickens for an extended period may be more than the additional weight they gain, which can lead to a lower profit margin. Thus, selling all the chickens of the same age is a more practical and cost-effective approach. This ensures that the raiser can maximize their profits while minimizing their costs.