Welcome to the Central Philippine University Research Center, a leading specialized station dedicated to the development of technologies for the commercial production of native chicken. Our center is the only one of its kind, with a focus on studying and improving the production of native chicken. At our center, we are proud to be the only research station with scientifically formulated feeds designed explicitly for native chickens. We understand the importance of proper nutrition for these birds, and our feeds are carefully crafted to ensure the health and growth of your flock. In addition to our feed research, we are the first to develop housing designs for the commercial production of native chicken. These designs have been proven to increase efficiency and productivity in raising native chickens, making it easier for farmers to maintain a successful operation. Our center also produces raiser-friendly, plant-based phytomedicines designed explicitly for native chickens. These natural remedies help keep your birds healthy and thriving without harmful chemicals or antibiotics.


We are proud to have a Technology Business Center dedicated to commercializing the technologies developed at our center. This allows us to conduct research and bring these innovations to the market, benefiting farmers and consumers. With our advancements, the Central Philippine University Research Center is the only center where our research outputs are processed and integrated into a curriculum. This ensures that our findings are beneficial not only for commercial production but also for the education and training of future farmers. 


Finally, our center has a complete line of state-of-the-art equipment, making us a one-stop-shop for commercialization. From feed production to housing designs, our center has everything you need to raise native chickens successfully.


Join us at the Central Philippine University Research Center and discover the latest in native chicken production. With our specialized focus and dedication to innovation, we are leading the way in advancing this industry.